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Intrametica® is led by a renowned Naturopath and Director of Melbourne Natural Medicine Clinic. Intermedia uses evidenced-based bio-medical science and diagnostic testing with nutritional/herbal lifestyle medicine to restore health and wellness to the body. The formulations are uniquely curated to smooth wrinkles and fine lines, protect against UV sun damage, from the skin and reduce cellulite, build strong hair and nails, improve metabolism, satisfy hunger and cravings while gently, yet effective cleansing internal organs often compromised from our urban lifestyle.

Collagen Ultimate +

  • $109

  • It provides 24-hour internal anti-ageing nourishment for the deeper layers of the skin to help keep it healthy, naturally youthful and glowing. It visibly reduces uneven pigmentation and skin tone after 4 weeks, helps protect against sunburn and decreases premature ageing efects of sun damage, increases skin moisture and hydration and assists with collagen production, skin regeneration and renewal.

Purifying Body Cleanse

  • $104

  • Intrametica® Purify Body Cleanse is a superfood supplement for everyday use, containing clinically proven bioactive botanicals that support liver and gut detoxifcation, gut healing, gentle elimination via the bowel, and blood purifcation to support clear glowing skin from within. Purify Body Cleanse is perfect for those looking to balance their hectic urban lifestyles. It is also a perfect complement to Intrametica® Collagen Ultimate + and can be taken together. This product is also ideal for those sufering with acne, rosacea and blemished skin